2023-2025. Proyecto CORFO, programa CREA y VALIDA, código: 23CVI-245680
2022-2024. Proyecto CORFO, programa CREA y VALIDA, código: 22CID-206681
2018-2021. Fondecyt Regular (n° 1180498). Advanced computational modeling for bioprocess optimization and design. Biochemical integration and experimental validation as key issues
2016-2017 Proyecto redes internacionales entre centros de investigación (CONICYT) (n° REDES150118). Advanced computational modeling as a key tool for process engineering design and optimization. Centro extranjero: Universidad de Alberta, Depto de Ingeniería Química y Materiales.
2013-2016 Fondecyt de Iniciación (n° 11130462). Pretreatment applications as the way of enhance the feasibility of the solid waste biomethanation. Experimental assessment and mathematical modeling.
2020-2024. Fondecyt Regular (n° 1200971). Biopolymers production from solid urban wastes. Investigador responsable: Andrea Carvajal (USM).
2017-2018 Fondecyt Regular (n° 1150982). Sewer mining: getting resources from sewage. Investigador responsable: David Jeison (PUCV).
2014-2016 Proyecto redes internacionales entre centros de investigación (CONICYT). DYMECOS2 (Dynamical Microbial and Environmental eCOSystms).
2013-2014 Ecos Conicyt project (C12E05). Toward next generation biohydrogen production: wider application range and new insights in process understanding through molecular ecology and bioprocess modeling.